
Grounded in the values of love and liberation, our mission is to help build leaderful movements with the vision and power to transform the world.

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Through our coaching services, peer leadership circles and learning labs, we create a reflective, joyful and generative space for social justice leaders to be in community with each other, share strategies, and deepen their liberatory leadership practices.

Our services can increase resiliency, reduce burnout, improve emotional intelligence, and enable leaders to be more adaptive, think more strategically, and better navigate complexity.

Here's What People Are Saying About Us:

"There is no way I would have been able to do what I needed as an ED without that peer and individual coaching support."

"Coaching introduced me to somatics. I remember once my coach asked me how my body feels and I realized I spend so much time in my head, I wasn’t paying attention to how I was showing up. It was powerful to have a coach who was really listening, and hearing to understand. She picked up on things I didn't have the words to say and helped me understand things in the larger context."

-- Rapheal

"We hold so much for other people but who holds us as leaders?"

"It was so helpful, being with a whole different set of EDs, people I'm not usually in community with: folks working on mutual aid, direct service, advocacy and different types of organizing. I realized it doesn't matter what kind of ED you are, we have similar challenges, especially as people of color. Being an ED is a lonely job, even with shared leadership…"

-- Chris

"The peer coaching circle helped me with my overall decision making and ability to let people know what I need and expect from them."

"A lot of that is personal work that has let me step into my power with more clarity and compassion. In the past when people would ask for something I thought was unreasonable, I could get a bit stuck in my head on how best to respond. As I continue to have tough management decisions and conversations, I am asking better questions and it’s helping me develop more efficient responses."

-- Ricky

“The moment we choose to love, we begin to move toward freedom, to act in ways that liberate ourselves and others.”


bell hooks
Outlaw Culture


Love Notes to Our Social Justice Leaders:
A Workbook to Support Your Reflective Leadership Practice

Our 55-page workbook is packed full of short articles and exercises to build your reflective leadership practice.