Calming the Nervous System:
An Essential Practice
for Healthy Movements
with Maria Elena Pérez

January 20, 2023  |  1:00 - 2:30 PM EST

Workshop Description:

With the continued and compounded effects of a pandemic and a barrage of external factors that impact us and our organizations, nervous system regulation has never been as important. This workshop provides an introduction to the nervous system, as well as practical tools to help you resource yourself during times of distress and build overall resiliency through daily practices. Participants will walk away with a basic understanding of the nervous system, what is the resilient zone and how to come back to it, the science behind why chronic stress leads to health issues, and tools for tending to our nervous systems.


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Maria Elena Pérez is a bilingual, first-gen Latina that works with changemakers, leaders, caregivers and folks of service doing the most (you know, over-giving and over-functioning) to come back into right relationship with themselves. A self-proclaimed nervous system evangelist, Maria Elena worked for fifteen years in social and reproductive justice organizations before suffering a concussion and subsequent mysterious illnesses, which she healed through nervous system regulation and ancestral practices, after countless failed attempts with doctors and treatments. This journey led her deeper into eft/tapping, polyvagal theory, and somatic internal family systems, all while coming back home to herself and reclaiming her ancestral gifts. Her work is a mix of science and bruja.


A licensed social worker, Maria Elena is also a certified EFT/Tapping practitioner leading workshops and healing circles centering BIPOC folks. She holds an M.S.W from Hunter College, City University of New York and a B.S. from New York University.  She currently also serves as an organizational consultant to social justice organizations. Maria Elena lives in New York City with her multi-generational family and rescue named Magic and loves bachata.