Necessary Armor & The Pursuit of Liberation
October 27, 2023Â |Â 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST
Website: www.chichiagorom.com | IG:Â @theenneagramforblackliberation
Workshop Description:
The sustainability of our individual and collective efforts towards liberation depends on us being able to access the choice to soften, to experience pleasure and joy, and to receive nurture. Being able to recognize our survival strategies as a part but not the entirety of who we are is a key component of this.
With the use of somatic exercises and writing prompts, participants will be guided through both an introspective and interactive experience of identifying their own relationship to armor.
At the end of the workshop, participants will have both a clearer understanding of their own armor and practical tools to continue to remember and return to who they are without the armor.
Book Description:
Am I worthy of belonging? Am I loved just as I am? Am I safe to exist without worry?
How do Black women return to our truest selves in systems that answer "no" to these three questions?
The Enneagram is an ancient system of human development that shows us the limiting stories that keep us stuck in unhelpful patterns, and invites us into more expansive stories. For too long, conversations about the Enneagram and its personality types have been centered on and by whiteness. In The Enneagram for Black Liberation, certified Enneagram teacher and trained psychotherapist Chichi Agorom reclaims the Enneagram as a powerful tool for Black women to rediscover our wholeness and worth that existed long before systems of supremacy told us we weren't enough.
For Black women in particular, our Enneagram personality types reflect more than just our way of being in the world; they are shaped by armor that we use to protect ourselves from pain, suffering, and shame. Breaking down each Enneagram type as a form of armor, this book offers practices to help Black women, and all who live on the margins, begin to build a sense of self separate from our mechanisms of self-protection, while working to dismantle the systems that require us to stay constantly armored up. Chichi Agorom takes readers through each of the nine Enneagram types, along with stories of Black women who identify with them, to illustrate the stories people must tell themselves in order to feel safe. In the process, Agorom seeks to inspire us to expand beyond our type patterns.
Wholeness work is justice work. Centering freedom, ease, and rest for Black women, Agorom invites each of us to claim the Enneagram as our tool for resilience-building in the continued fight for liberation.
Chichi Agorom is a writer, educator, facilitator, speaker, and podcast host. She is a Certified Enneagram Teacher & Practitioner, associate faculty at The Narrative Enneagram, host of the From Armor to Ease podcast, author of The Enneagram for Black Liberation, and a former psychotherapist whose life’s work is to support people on their journeys towards wholeness and healing. Her greatest joy is learning how to belong to herself, and creating spaces—both physically and with her words––that help others feel less alone and more known.