The Spiritual & Energetic Dimensions of Equity-Embedded Systems Change
(Part 1 of 2)

November 8, 2024
10:00 - 11:30 AM PTĀ  |Ā  1:00 - 2:30 PM ET


Part 1 will provide an overview of The Spiritual and Energetic Dimensions of Equity-Embedded Systems Changeā„¢, connect people to an existing podcast series, a publication, support them to think about how energy moves through a system, where and how it gets stuck, impacts, how we notice this, curative and preventative measures, etc.

NOTE: This learning lab is the first part of a two-part series. It is not necessary to attend both sessions, however to get the most out of session 2 it is recommended that you attend session 1 or watch the recording that will be sent out to registrants after the event on Nov 8.



Sheryl Petty, Ed.D., CEO and Founder of Movement Tapestries, supports the effort of practitioners, advocates, and community members to heal and unleash our most vibrant selves, transform our social systems, and improve our collective life. She has worked in organizational development, deep equity, systems change, education, and field building for nearly 30 years. She consults with philanthropic institutions, nonprofits, government agencies, colleges and universities on strategy, organization-wide deep equity transformation processes, learning cohorts, and field alignment. She holds degrees and Mathematics and Systematic Theology, as well as a doctorate in Leadership & Change. She is also a certified yoga asana instructor and is ordained and teaches in Tibetan Buddhist (Vajrayana/Nyingma) and indigenous African-based (Yoruba) traditions, which she has practiced for nearly 30 years.